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Indiana Minority Health Coalition addresses health disparities through research, training, education, and advocacy, for better access to quality health care services. Educational sessions, screenings, and other interventions are just a few of the programs that  we offer to help minimize the risk for heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and other health conditions that can inhabit your ability to lead a long productive life.

Currently we're at the Open Door Clinic to help translate and do presentations/health screenings, host mobile food pantries, host COVID-19 testing and vaccine clinics while answering questions through our COVID helpline. Find out more about what we're currently doing below. Our newest program coming is "Cambia tu estilo de vida, cambia tu vida", which means change your lifestyle, change your life. This program is targeting Latinos who have diabetes and educating them about diabetes - what they should be doing. As of right now the program is in Spanish, but we hope to bring it in English as well. 

if we are not in the office we are probably doing one of the below...

Open door clinic

Open Door Clinic is a donation based clinic. At the Open Door Clinic, we do referrals for mental health, mammograms, pap smears, diabetes and blood pressure checks. We also do medicine assistance through an application process for diabetic patients who need insulin on a daily basis.  

There is always a Spanish speaking representative available. 

Open Door Clinic Hours

Monday: 11 - 1pm & 2 - 4:30pm

Extended Hours: 4:30 - 7:30pm 

Wednesday 11 - 1pm & 2 - 4:30pm 

Friday 9 - 12pm 

Extended Hours: 12 - 2pm

programa de prevención de diabetes


"Cambia tu estilo de vida, cambia tu vida."

¿Tiene diabetes? ¿Es algo que corre en tu familia? En este programa te educaremos sobre el diabetes - ¿qué es? ¿qué cambios debes hacer para vivir un vida más saludable? ¿cómo prevenir la diabetes?

El programa será educative en forma interactiva. Aprenderá recetas fáciles y saludables para incluir en sus comidas. Ademas ejercicios para hacer en su casa. 

¿Le interesa el programa? Por favor de llenar el formulario de abajo. ¿Preguntas? Comunícate con Adriana Garcia al 765-659-6380 ext 1814 o a

¡Gracias por registrarse, nos comunicaremos contigo pronto!

Toddler and baby sleeping next to each other
Baby Sleeping

Safe Sleep For Your Baby

Why does it matter?

The way your baby sleeps is incredibly important. Read our PDF on safe sleep for your baby to find out more. 

If you'd like further information, check out the following resources below:


IMHC Latino Health Study

download the updated power point here

descargue el power point actualizado aquí

IMHC Estudio de Salud Latino

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1111 South Jackson St. Frankfort, IN 46041


765-659-6380 ext. 1814



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